LRA by Deloitte VS Clearedin Bluetooth-Enabled Marketing Automation Software Comparison

January 19, 2022

Welcome to another exciting comparison brought to you by Flare Compare! Today we’re comparing two Bluetooth-Enabled Marketing Automation Software, LRA by Deloitte and Clearedin. Both software options provide marketing automation solutions through the use of Bluetooth beacons, enabling businesses to reach their target audience more efficiently.

But which one is better? We’ll take a look at the facts and figures to help you make an informed decision.

LRA by Deloitte

LRA by Deloitte boasts over 35 years of marketing expertise and offers businesses a range of marketing automation solutions. Their Bluetooth-enabled marketing software is designed to provide businesses with personalized marketing campaigns based on customer behavior and preferences.

Features include:

  • Personalized in-store promotions
  • Real-time analytics and insights
  • Location-based advertising
  • Multi-lingual platform

LRA by Deloitte also offers a range of hardware options, including Bluetooth beacons, to suit your business needs.


Clearedin is another Bluetooth-enabled marketing automation software that promises to help businesses reach their target audience more efficiently. Their software offers businesses relevant customer insights based on location and behavior while allowing for personalized advertisements.

Features include:

  • Customer behavior tracking
  • In-store messaging and promotions
  • Real-time analytics and insights
  • Indoor tracking

Clearedin offers hardware options such as Bluetooth beacons and sensors to help track customer behavior and preferences.


Both LRA by Deloitte and Clearedin offer similar features, making it a tough decision to choose between them. However, we’ve put together a quick comparison based on cost and hardware options to help you make your decision:

  • Cost: LRA by Deloitte offers a customized pricing plan specific to your business needs. In contrast, Clearedin offers a subscription-based model that starts at $59/month, making LRA by Deloitte the more expensive option.

  • Hardware Options: Both LRA by Deloitte and Clearedin offer Bluetooth beacons and sensors for indoor tracking. However, LRA by Deloitte also offers Wi-Fi and cellular options for larger venues.


In conclusion, both LRA by Deloitte and Clearedin offer excellent marketing automation solutions through Bluetooth-enabled technology. LRA by Deloitte offers a more expensive but tailored pricing plan to cater to specific business needs, while Clearedin offers a more affordable subscription-based model. When it comes to hardware options, LRA by Deloitte edges out ahead with additional Wi-Fi and cellular options for larger venues.

We hope this comparison has helped you make an informed decision on which Bluetooth-enabled marketing automation software to choose. Don't forget to drop a comment below and let us know your thoughts!


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